Wednesday, August 3, 2016

GridFS - MongoDB

GridFS is a specification for storing and retrieving files that exceed the BSON-document size limit of 16MB.
Instead of storing a file in a single document, GridFS divides a file into parts, or chunks [1], and stores each chunk as a separate document. By default, GridFS uses a chunk size of 255 KB; that is, GridFS divides a file into chunks of 255 KB with the exception of the last chunk. The last chunk is only as large as necessary. Similarly, files that are no larger than the chunk size only have a final chunk, using only as much space as needed plus some additional metadata.
GridFS uses two collections to store files. One collection stores the file chunks, and the other stores file metadata. For more information, refer to GridFS Collections.
When you query a GridFS store for a file, the driver or client will reassemble the chunks as needed. You can perform range queries on files stored through GridFS. You also can access information from arbitrary sections of files, which allows you to “skip” into the middle of a video or audio file.
GridFS is useful not only for storing files that exceed 16MB but also for storing any files for which you want access without having to load the entire file into memory. 

When should I use GridFS?

For documents in a MongoDB collection, you should always use GridFS for storing files larger than 16 MB.
In some situations, storing large files may be more efficient in a MongoDB database than on a system-level filesystem.
  • If your filesystem limits the number of files in a directory, you can use GridFS to store as many files as needed.
  • When you want to keep your files and metadata automatically synced and deployed across a number of systems and facilities. When using geographically distributed replica sets MongoDB can distribute files and their metadata automatically to a number of mongod instances and facilities.
  • When you want to access information from portions of large files without having to load whole files into memory, you can use GridFS to recall sections of files without reading the entire file into memory.
Do not use GridFS if you need to update the content of the entire file atomically. As an alternative you can store multiple versions of each file and specify the current version of the file in the metadata. You can update the metadata field that indicates “latest” status in an atomic update after uploading the new version of the file, and later remove previous versions if needed.
Furthermore, if your files are all smaller the 16 MB BSON Document Size limit, consider storing the file manually within a single document. You may use the BinData data type to store the binary data.

Use GridFS

To store and retrieve files using GridFS, use either of the following:
  • A MongoDB driver. See the drivers documentation for information on using GridFS with your driver.
  • The mongofiles command-line tool. See the mongofiles reference for documentation.

GridFS Collections

GridFS stores files in two collections:
  • chunks stores the binary chunks.  
  • files stores the file’s metadata.  
GridFS places the collections in a common bucket by prefixing each with the bucket name. By default, GridFS uses two collections with a bucket named fs:
  • fs.files
  • fs.chunks
You can choose a different bucket name, as well as create multiple buckets in a single database. The full collection name, which includes the bucket name, is subject to the namespace length limit.

The chunks Collection

Each document in the chunks[1] collection represents a distinct chunk of a file as represented in GridFS. Documents in this collection have the following form:
  "_id" : <ObjectId>,
  "files_id" : <ObjectId>,
  "n" : <num>,
  "data" : <binary>
A document from the chunks collection contains the following fields:
The unique ObjectId of the chunk.
The _id of the “parent” document, as specified in the files collection.
The sequence number of the chunk. GridFS numbers all chunks, starting with 0.
The chunk’s payload as a BSON Binary type.

The files Collection

Each document in the files collection represents a file in GridFS. Consider a document in the files collection, which has the following form:
  "_id" : <ObjectId>,
  "length" : <num>,
  "chunkSize" : <num>,
  "uploadDate" : <timestamp>,
  "md5" : <hash>,
  "filename" : <string>,
  "contentType" : <string>,
  "aliases" : <string array>,
  "metadata" : <dataObject>,
Documents in the files collection contain some or all of the following fields:
The unique identifier for this document. The _id is of the data type you chose for the original document. The default type for MongoDB documents is BSON ObjectId.
The size of the document in bytes.
The size of each chunk in bytes. GridFS divides the document into chunks of size chunkSize, except for the last, which is only as large as needed. The default size is 255 kilobytes (kB).
Changed in version 2.4.10: The default chunk size changed from 256 kB to 255 kB.
The date the document was first stored by GridFS. This value has the Date type.
An MD5 hash of the complete file returned by the filemd5 command. This value has the String type.
Optional. A human-readable name for the GridFS file.
Optional. A valid MIME type for the GridFS file.
Optional. An array of alias strings.
Optional. Any additional information you want to store.
Applications may create additional arbitrary fields.

GridFS Indexes

GridFS uses indexes on each of the chunks and files collections for efficiency. Drivers that conform to the GridFS specification automatically create these indexes for convenience. You can also create any additional indexes as desired to suit your application’s needs.

The chunks Index

GridFS uses a unique, compound index on the chunks collection using the files_id and n fields. This allows for efficient retrieval of chunks, as demonstrated in the following example:
db.fs.chunks.find( { files_id: myFileID } ).sort( { n: 1 } )
Drivers that conform to the GridFS specification will automatically ensure that this index exists before read and write operations. See the relevant driver documentation for the specific behavior of your GridFS application.
If this index does not exist, you can issue the following operation to create it using the mongo shell:
db.fs.chunks.createIndex( { files_id: 1, n: 1 }, { unique: true } );

The files Index

GridFS uses an index on the files collection using the filename and uploadDate fields. This index allows for efficient retrieval of files, as shown in this example:
db.fs.files.find( { filename: myFileName } ).sort( { uploadDate: 1 } )
Drivers that conform to the GridFS specification will automatically ensure that this index exists before read and write operations. See the relevant driver documentation for the specific behavior of your GridFS application.
If this index does not exist, you can issue the following operation to create it using the mongo shell:
db.fs.files.createIndex( { filename: 1, uploadDate: 1 } );
[1](1, 2) The use of the term chunks in the context of GridFS is not related to the use of the term chunks in the context of sharding.

Sharding GridFS

There are two collections to consider with gridfs - files and chunks.
If you need to shard a GridFS data store, use the chunks collection setting { files_id : 1, n : 1 }or { files_id : 1 } as the shard key index.
files_id is an objectid and changes monotonically.
You cannot use Hashed Sharding when sharding the chunks collection.
The files collection is small and only contains metadata. None of the required keys for GridfS lend themselves to an even distribution in a sharded environment. If you must shard the files collection, use the_id field, possibly in combination with an application field.
Leaving files unsharded allows all the file metadata documents to live on the primary shard. 

GridFS Index

GridFS uses a uniquecompound index on the chunks collection for the files_id and n fields. The files_id field contains the _id of the chunk’s “parent” document. The n field contains the sequence number of the chunk. GridFS numbers all chunks, starting with 0. For descriptions of the documents and fields in the chunks collection.
The GridFS index allows efficient retrieval of chunks using the files_id and n values, as shown in the following example:
cursor = db.fs.chunks.find({files_id: myFileID}).sort({n:1});
See the relevant driver documentation for the specific behavior of your GridFS application. If your driver does not create this index, issue the following operation using the mongo shell:
db.fs.chunks.createIndex( { files_id: 1, n: 1 }, { unique: true } );

MongoDB Applications with Binary Files Using GridFS

This is a two part series that explores a powerful feature in MongoDB for managing large files called GridFS. In the first part we discuss use cases appropriate for GridFS, and in second part we discuss how GridFS works and how to use it in your apps.
In my position at MongoDB, I speak with many teams that are building applications that manage large files (videos, images, PDFs, etc.) along with supporting information that fits naturally into JSON documents. Content management systems are an obvious example of this pattern, where is it necessary to both manage binary artifacts as well as all the supporting information about those artifacts (e.g., author, creation date, workflow state, version information, classification tags, etc.).
MongoDB manages data as documents, with a maximum size of 16MB. So what happens when your image, video, or other file exceeds 16MB? GridFS is a specification implemented by all of the MongoDB drivers that manages large files and their associated metadata as a group of small files. When you query for a large file, GridFS automatically reassembles the smaller files into the original large file.
Content management is just one of the many uses of GridFS. For example, McAfeeoptimizes delivery of analytics and incremental updates in MongoDB as binary packages for efficiently delivery to customers. Pearson stores student data in GridFS and leverages MongoDB’s replication to distribute data and keep it synchronized across facilities.
There are also many other systems with this requirement, many of which are in healthcare. Hospitals and other care-providing organizations want to centralize patient record information to provide a single view of the patient making this information more accessible to doctors, care providers, and patients themselves. The central system improves the quality of the patient care (care providers get a more complete and global view of the patient’s health status) as well as the efficiency of providing care.
A typical patient health record repository includes general information about the patient (name, address, insurance provider, etc.) along with all various types of medical records (office visits, blood tests and labs, medical procedures, etc.). Much of this information fits nicely into JSON documents and the flexibility of MongoDB makes it easy to accommodate variability in content and structure. Healthcare applications also manage large binary files such as radiology tests, x-ray and MRI images, CAT scans, or even legacy medical records created by scanning paper documents. It is not uncommon for a large hospital or insurance provider to have 50-100 TB of patient data and as much as 90% is large binary files.
When building an application like this, organizations usually have to decide whether to store the binary data in a separate repository, or along with the metadata. With MongoDB, there are a number of compelling reasons for storing the binary data in the same system as the rest of the information. They include:
  • The resulting application will have a simpler architecture: one system for all types of data;
  • Document metadata can be expressed using the rich flexible document structure, and documents can be retrieved using all the flexibility of MongoDB’s query language;
  • MongoDB’s high availability (replica sets) and scalability (sharding) infrastructure can be leveraged for binary data as well as the structured data;
  • One consistent security model for authenticating and authorizing access to the metadata and files;
  • GridFS doesn’t have the limitations of some filesystems, like number of documents per directory, or file naming rules.
Fortunately, GridFS makes working with large binary files in MongoDB easy. 
Now we will walk through in detail how you use GridFS to store and manage binary content in MongoDB. 

How GridFS Works

Above we looked at some of the use cases that are appropriate for GridFS. In this post we take a closer look at how GridFS works and how you can use it in your apps.
GridFS stores large binary files by breaking the files into smaller files called “chunks” and saving them in MongoDB. It essentially saves you, the application developer, from having to write all the code to break large files up into chunks, saving all the individual chunks into MongoDB, and then, when retrieving the files, combining all the chunks back together. GridFS gives you all this functionality for free.
The way GridFS works is shown in Figure 1. GridFS uses two collections to save a file to a database: fs.files and fs.chunks. (The default prefix is “fs”, but you can rename it.) Thefs.chunks collection contains the binary file broken up into 255k chunks. The fs.filescollection contains the metadata for the document.
GridFS Structure
Figure 1 - GridFS Structure

An Example

Let’s work through an example to see how this works. I wrote a small Perl program to load a set of videos my wife had taken on her iPhone of my son’s baseball games and my daughter’s gymnastics meets. Figure 2 shows the core of the program (you can download the entire program from github). The program performs the following steps:
  • Establishes a connection to MongoDB and creates database object for the “digital” database into which we want to load the files
  • Creates a gridFS object for the database to gain access to the gridFS API
  • Reads the Movies directory on my laptop and finds all the .MOV files
  • Each .MOV file is inserted into MongoDB with three metadata fields: filename,content-type, and author.
my $movieDir = "/Users/jayrunkel/Movies";
my $client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new(host => 'localhost', 
                                       port => 27017);
my $database = $client->get_database( 'digital' );
my $grid = $database->get_gridfs;
my @vidFiles = getFiles($movieDir);

foreach my $file (@vidFiles) {
    my $fh = IO::File->new("$movieDir/$file", "r");
    $grid->insert($fh, {"filename" => $file,
    "content-type" => "video/quicktime", 
    "author" => "deb"});
Figure 2 - Loading binary files using GridFS
As the files are inserted into the database, MongoDB calculates the MD5 checksum of the file and compares that to the checksum calculated by the file system. If they don’t match an error condition occurs. My program will simply die, but it could handle the error and do something more intelligent.
Going to the mongoshell and looking at the digital database shows that there are two collections: fs.chunks and fs.files, just as we expect.
> use digital
> show collections
Let’s first look at the fs.files collection (Figure 3). This collection contains one document for each of the MOV files we loaded into MongoDB. Each document contains the metadata for the corresponding file. This metadata consists of the GridFS defined metadata fields (lengthchunksize, and uploadDate) plus the metadata fields I supplied when I inserted the MOV files: content-typeauthor, and filename. The length field is the size of the document in bytes, the chunk field is the size of each chunk in bytes, and theuploadDate is the date the document was first inserted into MongoDB.
You can define any metadata fields as appropriate and due to the flexibility of MongoDB, each document can have the specific set of fields that make sense. There isn’t a requirement that all files have the same set of metadata fields and you can feel free to add or modify fields as your application evolves.
  "_id": ObjectId("546fb304f9781507293f9891"),
  "length": NumberLong("834284"),
  "content-type": "video/quicktime",
  "uploadDate": ISODate("2014-11-21T21:47:48Z"),
  "chunkSize": NumberLong("261120"),
  "filename": "IMG_0425.MOV",
  "author": "deb"
Figure 3 - fs.files collection
Each document in the fs.files collection is associated with a set of documents in thefs.chunks collection (Figure 4). The fs.chunks documents are numbered from 0 to n (see the “n” field) with binary data for the chunk stored in the “data” field. The fs.files document is related to its corresponding chunk documents in the fs.chunks collection by the files_idfield. The files_id field is the _id of the corresponding document in the fs.files collection. Here are the first two chunks associated with the document whose ObjectId is546fb304f9781507293f9896.
  "_id": ObjectId("546fb304f9781507293f98a6"),
  "files_id": ObjectId("546fb304f9781507293f9896"),
  "data": BinData(0, "+QWU+Pwf1u03d………..."),
  "n": NumberLong("0")
  "_id": ObjectId("546fb304f9781507293f9898"),
  "files_id": ObjectId("546fb304f9781507293f9896"),
  "data": BinData(0, "EgKwOoOAOYEwFoi…."), 
  "n": NumberLong("1")
Figure 4 - fs.chunks collection
Because the goal of the GridFS API is to make it easy and efficient to retrieve and reassemble the binary document, GridFS will automatically create a compound index on the fs.chunks collection on the files_id and n fields. This will enable MongoDB to quickly identify all the chunks associated with a particular file, sort them from 0 to n using the nfield, and return them to the driver so that they can be assembled back into the original document. To demonstrate this, here is the output of running getIndexes on the fs.chunkscollection. As you see the Perl driver automatically created the compound index when I inserted the first document into my database.
> db.fs.chunks.getIndexes()
    "v": 1,
    "key": {
      "_id": 1
    "name": "_id_",
    "ns": "digital.fs.chunks"
    "v": 1,
    "unique": true,
    "key": {
      "files_id": NumberLong("1"),
      "n": NumberLong("1")
    "name": "files_id_1_n_1",
    "ns": "digital.fs.chunks"
Figure 5 - fs.chunks indexes

How do you use the GridFS API to build an application

Using the GridFS API to build an application is simple. GridFS does all the hard work. All you need to do is insert your binary documents into MongoDB using the GridFS API. When you insert the documents, you can provide the document metadata and you can update this metadata during the life of the document in your application using the same update queries you use to update other documents in MongoDB.
Retrieving and deleting documents is simple as well. The GridFS API provides methods for retrieving a document, as a whole or in parts, which can be very useful for “skipping” to the middle of an audio or video file. This function combines the chunk files to recreate the original file and returns a file object to your application. The delete method removes the documents from the fs.file and fs.chunks collection so that the original document has been removed from MongoDB.

Mongodb explain() Query Analyzer and it's Verbosity

First creating 1 million documents: > for(i=0; i<100; i++) { for(j=0; j<100; j++) {x = []; for(k=0; k<100; k++) { x.push({a:...